The Perspective

a monthly newsletter for the girl who is doing it all

What is the perspective?

Trying to build a successful career in your roaring twenties while being fun, healthy, sexy and *insert any positive adjective expected to describe women* can feel like walking on a tightrope. It is difficult to balance but that is exactly why I wanted to build this community. We will have this community to help us keep perspective: keep perspective that we are not alone, keep perspective that we can be a top performer at work AND have a personality, keep perspective that growing up means that we will naturally grow apart from people and guess what… that’s ok!


Through every monthly newsletter we will work through all the challenges we face from navigating office politics to taking care of ourselves physically and mentally while working a demanding job. Whether you are a banker, consultant, investor, entrepreneur or whatever it is that you do, we are in this together now. Welcome to The Perspective!

Talk to me!

I want to hear what you think and what you have to say. Feel free to send in personal anecdotes. If you have suggestions for any products, tools, tips for life or anything, shoot it my way!